Friday, 3 September 2010

Know it all?

Dear All,

Many thanks for your prayers and fasting the last 2 days, I know that we are fighting a winning battle because we have the Almighty God on ourside!

This morning I felt in my heart to read some of Job. I relate very much to the story of Job having seen what my dad has gone through in the last 5 years. Now I'm not saying my dad was blameles to start with, who is?, but there have been times when it's been absolutely heartbreaking to watch my dad, Younus, go through his treatment and seeing him struggle to even lift his head but he has stayed strong in the Lord. Last summer my brother Khalid was taken from us in what we can only describe as a tragic post operative complication. The loss of him shook us to the ground and it hit all of us, but I could see how much my dad's heart broke. But through it all he did not deny God. Yes he questioned Him, yes he was angry, but my dad still acknowleged God in all he did.

This morning when I was reading some of the chapters in Job I was drawn to the Lord's response to Job in Chapter 38 v 1-5 "And now, finally, God answered Job from the eye of a violent storm. He said: 2-11 "Why do you confuse the issue? Why do you talk without knowing what you're talking about? Pull yourself together, Job! Up on your feet! Stand tall! I have some questions for you, and I want some straight answers. Where were you when I created the earth? Tell me, since you know so much! Who decided on its size? Certainly you'll know that!(The message)"

You might think wow, after all Job has been through it's a bit harsh that God would pull him up like that. But what God spoke to me through these verses this morning is that, not matter what we are going through, He is Sovereign. He knows far more than we can ever know. Our God, who knew who we were even before we were created, should not be questioned. He knows what is best for us, He has planned it all to a T. But that doesn't mean we should just sit and accept what lands on our plate! No we should stir ourselves up to call upon the name of our Lord, who loves us so much and wants to turn all things around for the good of those who love Him and who are called according to His righteousness (rom 8:28)! But when all is said and done, we should accept that God is Sovereign, that He knows best. He knows the good He can bring out of situations, He knows the amazing power of prayer and how much His power is released when we get on our knees. I think sometimes we put God in a box and forget the wonders of His creation and who He is. God is amazing! He literally created every cell in our bodies, every sodium transporter, every blood cell. He knew before you were created how long each cell of yours would live before He replaced it with a new one, He created every grain of dirt on the ground, every puff of cloud in the expansive sky. I challenge you to read the last few chapters of Job, it is absolutely astounding and almost too awesome to get your head around but I think it will give you insight in to the greatness of our God.

Ok so prayer points for today:
1. Endurance to keep perservering. there are times that are harder than others, and when dad is feeling rough or is faced with the enormity of it all, he can feel like giving up. Please pray that he keeps his eyes fixed upon the Lord and the purpose God has for him.
2. Healing! This is what all this is about, isn't it! Let's see God move!!! My dad has his progress scans and results at the end of August. These scans will tell us if the tumours in his body have grown any more. Please pray for the miracle of reversal of these tumours. That they will shrink and die! and we will see proof of it in the scans.

Have a great Friday!!

God bless

Shahlaa xx

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