Hi everyone,
Welcome to my new blog. I started this by request of my father, as he has found my faith ramblings an encouragement in the last couple of months. Some of you also commented you were blessed by them so here we go. I've included in order the last few I wrote during a time of group prayer and fasting. I hope they encourage you. I cannot take credit for the words, as they were truly God-inspired.
The title for this blog "I'd recommend a cuppa...and a biscuit or to" comes from a something my brother wrote while he was alive. He used to write regular verse of the day type devotionals for his housegroup, and one of them kindly bound them into a book for his wife Emma. I have a copy of the book and I can honestly say, my brother surprised me with his faith. What a man of God!
Ok so this is titled "The Fiery Furnace" because over the last few days a couple of special people have reminded me of the story in the book of Daniel, chapter 3, of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. These men were thrown into a fiery furnace because they refused to bow down before a gold image and worship the gods of King Nebuchanezzar. Before they were thrown in there, they said (verse 17-18)
"If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to save us from it, and he will rescue us from your hand, O king. 18 But even if he does not, we want you to know, O king, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up."
WOW!!!! What faith! It really spoke to me about the situation myself and my family are facing at this moment in time. My dad has been told by his doctors that he has weeks to live. Yet we still believe that God can perform a miracle and save him from this disease. But it is so hard thinking about what would happen if God chooses to take him home and promote him to heaven. But it's true, even if God doesn't do this He is still God. He is still able, He is still Sovereign, He is still mighty, He is my God and I will still worship Him in the face of all may or may not happen.
But the cruncher here blew me away. I hadn't read this story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego for some years and I had forgotten the key part!
Verse 24-25 "Then King Nebuchadnezzar leaped to his feet in amazement and asked his advisers, "Weren't there three men that we tied up and threw into the fire?" They replied, "Certainly, O king." He said, "Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods."
Oh my goodness! How could I have forgotten this part!! WOW!!!! Not only were these poor men thrown into a furnace that was heated 7 times hotter than ever before, which sparks killed the men who threw them into the furnace, but these 3 men of God were walking around in the furnace with God! I don't know if these men could see God in the fire, but I believe God's presence would have been enough for them to know that God is with them and He's protecting them in the fire. But the king saw the 4 men, he saw God in there with them and it changed his heart. I don't know my family have been through the flames constantly for the last 5 years, but I do know that God has been and is with us. I often forget it, but God uses history like this to remind me that even when in the hottest furnace, the most impossible situation to be saved from, He is there through it all and he rescues. He does the impossible time and time again. My God can save my dad from this cancer, I know He can, but even if He does not, He is still my God and He is with me and my family always.
I do not know the plans of the Lord, and I have learnt that it is not my place to question Him who knows all, yet I do know now that in the face of adversity, of trial, of sadnessm of sorrow, of darkness, my God is Mighty to save. My God is able, and He is still God...even if He chooses not to do this.
Yesterday, I felt challenged by God to really worship him and humble myself before Him. I got on my knees on the floor (I was grateful I had just hoovered!) and I began to worship Him and cry my heart out. I sobbed and cried and told God my heart, even though He already knows it. After a while of this, I felt God tell me to get up off my knees and dance a victory dance. So in obedience, and feeling a little silly, I wiped my tears and danced to some awesome worship music. I was amazed at the release I found in dancing before Jesus, released of my fears, knowing my God who loves me and my family so dearly was with me and would not let me go through this alone. He reminded me that the battle is won. Amen!
Whatever you are facing at this moment, know that Jesus is with you through the Holy Spirit and have the faith to know that God will never leave you nor forsake you in your times of trial. Even when the flames are so big you can't see Him, find His presence in the midst of it. He will save you. He is able.
On a prayer points note, my dad Younus got out of hospital today after a traumatic few days. He has been in so much pain since an operation he had, please pray for his pain to stop, his energy to be restored and him to enjoy life back at home.
God bless you all
Shahlaa xx
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